WestHoyle.Com © 2023
The club is the members . It is administered by the Club Commitee which consists of the Captain,Vice Captain,Past captain,Secretary,Treasurer,Competition secretary,and Commiitee members. The President of the club also attends meetinghs to pass on invauable constitutionaland general advice. The committee(apart from the Captain, Vice Capatin and Past Captain) are elected by the membership at the Annual General Meeting held the last monday in January each year. All members are actively encouraged to attend to observe how the club is operating and to raise any issues that individual members may have
It takes a lot of work to run West Hoyle Golf Club . The Committee Ub=ndertakes this worjk on your behalf. It meets monthly, and one of its Functions is to consider applications of prospective members. Normally this is a perfunctory task, but neccessary one to ensure continuity of memebership. Once approved the applicant will be sent a letter confirming membershipship subjecct to payng all monies due. As already mentioned the Committee is elected at thde AGM and if you feel you want to be part of it and have something to offer to rynning the club you can stand for election New ideas are always welcome.
Mr John Kilbane
Vice Captain Captain Past Captain
Ian Johnston Jim Robinson Henry Beckitt
Secretary Ass Sectretary
Comp Secretary/IT Manager/Handicap Secretary Treasurer
Paul Finley Bill Hood Ian Johnsom